Tag Archives: The Reckoning

Review: The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong

10 May

Random House, 2010

Only two weeks ago, life was all too predictable. But that was before I saw my first ghost. Now along with my supernatural friends Tori, Derek, and Simon, I’m on the run from the Edison Group, which genetically altered us as part of their sinister experiment. We’re hiding in a safe house that might not be as safe as it seems. We’ll be gone soon anyway, back to rescue those we’d left behind and take out the Edison Group . . . or so we hope.

From Random House Canada website


Kelley Armstrong is one of my favorite authors, plain and simple. I’ve read everything she has published and never once have I been disappointed. That goes for the final installment of her YA trilogy, The Reckoning, as well.  I loved it.

This was another one day read for me, as all of Kelley’s books tend to be. Once I got into it, I simply didn’t want to put it down.  The plot, the writing, the characters – it was all perfect.

I love Chloe as a main character and I was sad that the trilogy had ended. But at the same time that’s the great thing about Kelley and her approach to her series:  she writes what the series needs, not necessarily what her audience wants. She’s taken flack for this in the past, but I think it’s great. And also one of the reasons her writing and her series never get stale.

Okay, the book. What can I say? There’s a lot of personal growth for the characters in The Reckoning and it was nice to see the four come together and work as a group. Chloe also learns more about her powers and how to use them.  Dereck, who was my least favorite character in the first two books, emerged as my favorite character.  We get a better understanding for him and some of the actions he takes.

There’s a bit of romance, but just a smidgen, which is perfect for my tastes.  The romantic stuff is very secondary to the plot, so it never felt like this was a romance disguised as a paranormal book. 

Kelley’s writing style is descriptive, yet quick and the action flows at a break neck speed.  And the scenes where Chloe does some of her necromancer stuff? Goosebumpy fun! I also loved the nods to her Women of the Otherworld series. Every time a Cabal was mentioned, or the werewolf pack, I giggled just a bit.

Browse inside The Reckoning.

Thanks muchly to Random House Canada for the review copy.