Tag Archives: Come thou tortoise

My faves of 2009

14 Dec

I swore I wasn’t going to do a best of 2009 list. Honestly? I find a lot of them stuffy and pretentious and more times than not I’ve never heard of any of the books on the list.

But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do one. There were a few books this past year that I loved so much, I wanted one last chance to gush about them before 2010 hits. I won’t be telling you about the social impact of each book, or how it defines or changes literature forever. You’ll be hearing about a few books that knocked my socks off for the shear enjoyment of their story and characters.

The Day the Falls Stood Still by Cathy Buchanan
For those of you who have visited my site before, or know me, it’s no big shock that I’m listing this as one of my fave books of the year. I had never read historical fiction before and never had any desire to. But then I had the opportunity to read and review Cathy’s book and once I started, I didn’t stop until I was finished. And then I sat on the couch for a good hour, unable to move.

This is a story about family, love, friendship, hardship, courage and loss and you would be doing your heart, mind and soul a huge injustice if you didn’t read it.

The Strain by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan
I would just like to thank these two for FINALLY putting the bite back into vampires. This book was scary, plausible and deliciously brutal in it’s depiction of vampires as mindless blood-sucking victims of a virus. The first in a trilogy, I am anxiously awaiting the release of the other two. And they will be read much in the same way as the first: lights on full, hands gripping book, ears open to every sound.

Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant
One word describes this book:quirky. Each and every character in this book was beautifully dysfunctional, as were all the relationships. And I have never read a book that used wordplay as wonderfully as this one. And a tortoise as one of the main characters? How could I not love this book?

Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant

27 Aug

Published by Knopf Canada, 2009
Reviewed by Colleen McKie

As a Canadian, I am a wee bit partial to books that are not only written by Canadians, but that take place in Canada.  I am also a fan of weird, quirky characters and stories.  Thankfully Come, Thou tortoise, written by Canadian Jessica Grant, taking place in St. John’s, NFLD and featuring a tortoise as a main character meets all of these prerequisites.

The book centers around Audrey and her tortoise, Winnifred. The two areCome_Thou_Tortoise temporality separated when Audrey has to leave her Portland, Oregon apartment to head back to her hometown of St. John’s NFLD after her father receives a blow to the head and ends up in a coma.  Unfortunately her dad succumbs to his injuries before her plane even lands. Her uncle Thoby takes off for England shortly after, leaving Audrey alone to deal with things like clearing out the house and a set of faulty Christmas lights.  To cope with the situation, Audrey throws herself into solving a mystery she has stumbled across, using that as a way to avoid dealing with her father’s death.

Interspersed with Audrey’s story is that of Winnifred, who reflects on her life thus far and spends a lot of time wondering if Audrey has abandoned her. While at first the idea of reading the musings of a tortoise was a bit weird, a quarter of the way into the book, I was loving Winnifred and her unique take on things.

I also loved all of the play on words (Audrey often referred to her father as being in a “comma”) that Grant includes throughout the book. Audrey’s thoughts are often jumbled, but Grant writes them so that they appear to flow from one another. The only issue I had with the language in the book is really a technicality and an issue I have had with many other “literary” books: the avoidance of using quotation marks for dialogue.  I found it very confusing and distracting at first, but once I got into the characters and the story, it became less of an issue, although I always remained aware of it.

And speaking of the story, it kept me hooked throughout and the ending, while somewhat open (which I LOVE) was a bit of a surprise for me, but in a good way.

Jessica Grant is definitely a writer to read and watch out for and for me Come, Thou Tortoise is up there with Miriam Toews The Flying Troutmans and a Complicated Kindness.

Take a peek inside Come, Thou Tortoise.