Music Monday: Coco Love Alcorn

19 Apr

So, I live up the road from the wonderful Harmony House Theatre and last week I noticed on their billboard that Coco Love Alcorn was playing in July. I’ve never heard of Coco before, but just her name alone intrigued me. So I youtubed her. And, OMG, I clapped with glee when I discovered her video for Intellectual Boys. I immediatley went to iTunes and downloaded her latest release, Joy. It’s a soulful, quirky, wonderful CD. And Intellectual Boys is on it, and my fave.

If you are a self proclaimed geek lover (like I am) you’ll get a kick out of this song. And if you aren’t? It should be enough to change your mind.

One Response to “Music Monday: Coco Love Alcorn”


  1. War Child Benefit | Child Benefit Online - May 10, 2010

    […] Music Monday: Coco Love Alcorn […]

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